Menu Changes For The February 2025 Update

The February 2025 update to Store Locator Plus® includes a lot of changes to the Store Locator Plus® Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. As we work towards modernizing the user experience , changes are primarily to the user interface to pare down the legacy WordPress framework that runs our service. As part of that effort, we have changed the main menu interface including renaming some items and moving some key features to top-level positions in the sidebar menu.

This guide is intended to show you new features as well as where to find key elements of the Store Locator Plus® interface.

Store Locator Plus® Information

The Info page is now attached to the top-most main menu item labelled Store Locator Plus® that is on the top left of the sidebar menu.

The Info page shows key articles from the Getting Started Documentation as well as current news about Store Locator Plus®.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Info

The previous menu location for the info page was at a second level menu under Store Locator Plus® | Info.

Legacy Menu : Store Locator Plus® | Info


The legacy version of Store Locator Plus® included a simplified user interface for managing locations and was labelled “MySLP” (the original project name we had assigned to our SaaS offering).

The menu changes for the 2025 release keeps this in the sidebar menu where it has been renamed Locations.

The locations page provides a simplified interface built in the React JavaScript framework. It provides a simpler interface for viewing basic location data and includes both a table-style list format as well as a modern cards style interface.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Locations

The old location for the Locations page was at the top-most sidebar entry and was named MySLP.

Legacy Menu : MySLP

Location Details

Location Details is where you will find the interface for performing more complex actions as well as viewing more of the location data fields in a table format. This page includes advanced location management features such as performing bulk actions — actions on multiple locations at once. You can also find tools for loading locations from another Store Locator Plus® install including legacy WordPress plugin sites or for importing a long list of locations with a CSV import. You can view up to 999 locations at a time on the table presentation as well as view and sort by various location attributes.

This interface is based on the legacy WordPress plugin with many of the features found here on the development schedule to be moved to the more modern React-based interface.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Location Details

The legacy interface included this feature as a second-tier menu under Store Locator Plus® | Locations.

Legacy Menu Store Locator Plus® | Locations


The 2025 update includes a completely new interface for loading various pre-crafted locator styles for your map interfaces. This feature provides pre-defined CSS styling as well as Store Locator Plus® settings that change the entire user experience with the Store Locator Plus® maps and directories. This provides a quick way to try different interface designs on your locator installation without having to guess at various settings and CSS styles to see which works best.

Included in the 2025 update for this feature is a preview of the interface that updates whenever you load a new style. You no longer need to load a locator style then go to the Generate Embed tab to see what it looks like.

Many web designers use this features as a starting point to find a style that is close to what they are looking for, then modify the settings and CSS details to fine tune the look-and-feel for their website.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Style

Previously, this feature was found in the Store Locator Plus® | Settings page on the View tab and was labelled “locator style”.

Legacy Menu Store Locator Plus® | Settings | View


The previous second-tier menu under Store Locator Plus®/ Settings is now a top-level sidebar menu.

Various settings change the user experience for your maps and directories. Settings can be changed for search, map, and results elements to the interface.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Settings

The legacy location for Settings was previously under the Store Locator Plus® | Settings sidebar menu.

Legacy Menu Store Locator Plus® | Settings

Generate Embed

When you are ready, generate and retrieve the HTML code that will be embedded on any website or app where you want to display the Store Locator Plus® map or directory.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Generate Embed

This menu item was previously a second-tier entry at Store Locator Plus® | Generate Embed.

Legacy Menu Store Locator Plus® | Generate Embed


The Options page includes various settings that impact how the Store Locator Plus® app behaves and/or displays information on background processes that may be running. This is primarily used for Enterprise level processing of locations. For enterprise users running ongoing location loading or data management processes you can see scheduled actions here. Future application management options will also appear on this page.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Options

This page was under the Store Locator Plus® | General sidebar menu, and has been renamed “Options” in the newest release.

Legacy Menu Store Locator Plus® | General

My Profile

My Profile is where you can update your plan, change your billing details, or cancel your subscription. It shows the current limits and usage on your account, what features are available, and a history of your interaction with the SaaS platform.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : My Profile

This is unchanged from the legacy release.

Contact Us

Contact us to send a message to the Store Locator Plus® support team. When your message is sent , support will receive details about your account with your message.

Store Locator Plus® 2025 Menu Changes : Contact Us

This menu is unchanged from the legacy release, other than repositioning the location to be above the “Log Out” option.

Log Out

Logs you out of the Store Locator Plus® system.

This feature is unchanged.

General Settings

(This section has been updated to reflect updates in SLP version 5.5.)

There are settings under the General tab for Admin , User Interface, (Server and Data tabs in  earlier versions,  now are  included under the APP tab).  This documentation has been updated to reflect the Google API changes for our WPSLP self managed plug-in customers.   The tab “App” Map is where you will enter your own Google API keys. MySLP customers do not need to worry about that. We do it for them.


The Admin tab is where your SLP Premier subscription Accounts ID ,  Log Schedule Messages, and other info is located.  There is also a Reset Manage Locations button available for use to reset the back end Manage Locations  display page to the default view (10 locations per  page view). This feature was previously only available with the free SLP  Janitor Add-on.

WPSLP Premier General Admin

WPSLP Premier customers will need to add their User ID and subscription ID under the Store Locator Plus / General /Admin tab. To find your Premier account information, log into WordPress Store Locator plus account .

Scroll to Premier Subscription Info
Thank you for being a Premier Member. You will need to enter your User ID and Subscription ID via the Store Locator Plus General Settings Tab under the Admin section in order to get the latest updates to the Premier Plugin.

Your user ID is: (A number will be here)

Subscription id is : (numbers will be here)

Location Directory With MySLP

Our software-as-a-service platform, MySLP, runs on many different web builders and mobile frameworks. If you are using MySLP you cannot easily create pages that contain the [slp_directory] shortcode used in the Store Locator Plus WordPress plugins. There is another way to do this with our SaaS offering.

This new MySLP feature makes it easy to add a directory of locations to any platform. Display your location directory on Weebly, Wix, WordPress, or any website management platform that supports JavaScript.

The Embed Code

When using MySLP you typically add your locations and set your map experience properties. The next step is to go to the Generate Embed page on your account dashboard to get the JavaScript needed to display the locator search form and map on your site.

Standard MySLP output with default embed code.

Embed Code For Directories

When displaying a directory, you normally do not want the location search and map to appear. You can use the data-presentation attribute with your script to tell MySLP what type of location presentation you would like to show on your site.

Here is a full script example from our test server — you can see where we added data-presentation=”directory” to the standard embed script.

<script id="MySLP" 

Adding data-presentation=”directory” to the script will use the directory style presentation where the <script…> embed appears versus the standard MySLP output.

Default Directory Presentation

The default setup for the directory style presentation is to show a list of states (or provinces) in a list.

Clicking on a state will show a list of locations using the results layout configuration you have set for Store Locator Plus®.

By default there is no search form, map, Store Locator Plus® tagline, or distance displayed.

An example of the Directory output with MySLP SaaS showing results after clicking the FL link.

Styling The Output With CSS

You can style the directory output by manipulating the CSS on the site where the script has been embedded. The method for adding custom CSS will depend on the platform you are using to host your site.

Horizontal List Of States

To create a horizontal list of states, add the following CSS rules (learn more about flex styling at this site) to your site:

.slp_directory_list.slp_directory_style_list {
    display: flex;
	  flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-between;
.slp_directory_entry {
    padding: 0 5px;

Sign Up For Our SaaS Map and Directory Builder Today

How to validate Premier with Multi-site Installations

Enroll in a Premier Subscription

Premier Subscription Licenses must be validated on the primary site of a multi-site install. This is typically the FIRST site in your site list, but can be changed via wp-config. If you are using multi site you should know which site is the primary Blog ID. Adding your Premier id and your license on your sub sites will not validate the WPSLP Premier license. (This information only applies to WordPress SLP and not MYSLP.

Communication with the SLP license server is required for any licenses to be validated. You can check if standard web requests are working between your WordPress install and SLP. This can be tested from within your PHP environment with a simple PHP script that uses a ‘curl’ or ‘file get contents ‘operation.

You can also click on the Store Locator Plus / info tab in the back end of the plug-in. If you are seeing “Latest News” with fairly current dates then the problem is most likely not a blocked communications via a firewall. In those cases the issue is most likely an incorrectly typed subscription ID or you have entered the info on the wrong site of a multi-site install.

Map Controls

More map controls

Our MYSLP Enterprise level users or WPSLP Premier subscribers will find several additional map controls to enable or disable built-in Google Map elements.  A simple checkbox  allows users to turn the Full Screen and zoom controls on or off in addition to the previously-available  Hide “Stick Man” , scale, and type controls.

This option is also available to WordPress plugin users with an active Premier subscription.

Phone Extension Dialer


included with MySLP Enterprise and/or WPSLP Premier.

Employ telephone dialer links with extension pauses by turning on the Use Dial Link For Phone option and setting the Phone Extension Delimiter option.

When both are enabled the links for phone numbers are set to the defacto tel: hyperlink and if a phone number contains the text specified by the Phone Extension Delimiter option it will insert a long pause at that point before continuing to dial.

This method uses the oft-support comma placeholder, adding two commas to extend the pause to allow for slower phone systems to catch up and wait for the extension to be entered.

This output behavior will appear on results under the map, directory landing pages, and store pages.

Horizontal | Vertical Checkbox Category Selector

*Included with  WPSLP Premier subscription or MySLP Enterprise level Subscriptions.

The Horizontal or Vertical Checkbox Category Selector feature is available for WPSLP Premier or MySLP Enterprise level subscription customers. The checkbox works with an “OR” selection based on the Parent category.  With Premier or Enterprise you will see additional category selectors under the Settings/Search/Category section. For example : If you check the [] red and [] blue boxes on the category selector it will show any location in the red OR blue category.