Premier URL Control

Enabling URL Controls

Enabling URL Control features will require an active Premier Subscription.

Location Selection

When the URL Control module is active you can enable location ID passing by turning on “Location Selection” under the General / User Interface tab.

When this is enabled you can pass in a location ID by adding ?location=<id> to the end of the page address where your locator map is deployed with the [slplus] shortcode.

When the location ID is present and the settings is enabled the specified location will be activated on the location map as if a user had clicked the marker on the map.  This will show the info bubble by default.

Note: If cluster map markers are enabled they will be turned off for the initial page load.   Subsequent input or searches by the user will re-activate the cluster map markers.

Note: When passing in a location ID via a URL the location latitude/longitude will become the center point for the map display.  The location that is shown will be at the top of the result listing if sort by distance (default) is in place.


Location Limit

When the URL Control module is active you can enable location ID passing by turning on “Location Limit” under the General / User Interface tab.

When this is enabled you can pass in a limit for the number of locations to be returned when the map initially loads and when a search is performed by adding ?limit=<id> to the end of the page address where your locator map is deployed with the [slplus] shortcode.

Filter By Tag

When the URL Control module is active you can filter locations to show only this matching the tag(s) by turning on “Filter By Tag” under the General / User Interface tab.

This setting will require the Power Add On to be installed and active.

This setting will also require the following shortcode to be present in the Results Layout.  The shortcode is standard in most Store Locator Plus provided Style Gallery Styles.  It can be removed or changed if you have the Experience Add On active.

[slp_search_element selector_with_label="tag"]

An example of a Results Layout where locations are assigned a single tag.  With multiple tags the entire list will be hyperlinked and will not likely perform as expected.  Note the [slp_location data.sl_tags] takes the place of the [slp_location pro_tags] shortcode that is set by default on most Style Gallery styles.


[slp_addon section=primary position=first] [slp_location name] [slp_location uml_buttons] [slp_location gfi_buttons] [slp_location distance_1] [slp_location distance_unit] [slp_addon section=primary position=last]


[slp_addon section=secondary position=first] [slp_location address] [slp_location address2] [slp_location city_state_zip] [slp_location country] [slp_location phone] [slp_location fax] [slp_addon section=secondary position=last]


[slp_addon section=tertiary position=first] [slp_location web_link] [slp_location email_link] [slp_location directions_text] [slp_location hours] [slp_location data.sl_tags] [slp_location iconarray wrap=”fullspan”] [slp_location eventiconarray wrap=”fullspan”] [slp_location socialiconarray wrap=”fullspan”] [slp_addon section=tertiary position=last]


If you have URL controls enabled you can now pass in location filters based on a tag by adding ?only_with_tag=red to the end of your locations page URL.

Combining URL Options

You can combine the URL control options by using standard URL notation for parameter passing.

The standard is to define the first parameter by starting with a question mark.

Additional parameters are started with an ampersand.

To pass a location ID and a location limit, in this example to show ONLY the location specified, you would add ?location=32&limit=1 to your map page URL.



Schedule For Initial Distance

The Premier Add On allows you to set a scheduled interval using the built-in WordPress Cron scheduler to calculate the initial distance for locations where the distance is zero.

The initial distance setting is used by Store Locator Plus to boost performance when loading the initial map.  It uses and SQL index on a numeric value to select a subset of data versus calculating values for potentially thousands of locations and then filtering based on the calculation.  For sites with more than 1,000 locations this feature significantly boosts initial map loading performance.

Google Map Icons

All those little location markers on the map that Google just made FAR more prevalent in their latest update?  Those are what they call map icons.   They are also clickable which means all those locations will pop up a map bubble even if they are not YOUR Locations for your business.  Premier Add On  v 4.7.1 or higher for Store Locator Plus or MySLP/Enterprise lets you disable the “clickability” on the map icons.

Results Settings and interaction

Additional Results Interaction features  are available with the MySLP/Enterprise or   WPSLP Premier Add On.  The results interaction set of features provides a variety of visual cues on the location map to indicate the location a user has clicked  when viewing a list of locations., providing a variety of additional options beyond the standard Info Bubble that Store Locator Plus displays when a location is clicked.

Use the Experience add-on to completely disable the Info Bubble under the map and only use these interactive result indicators. When a visitor to your site clicks on the results marker they will see additional information such as description you have entered for that location, in addition to the fields that are populated for the location.

Info bubble turned off, marker clicked shows the additional info for that location

Map Marker Tooltip

Map Marker Tooltip is a feature available to SLP Saas Enterprise level or WPSLP Premier Subscribers. The tooltip turns the map marker tool tips on and off. When on, the short name of the location appears when the the user hovers over the location marker.

Map Marker tooltips appear when a user hovers over a map marker.

The default setting is on.

Uncheck the box to turn off map marker tool tips.

Adding Locations with additional features

If you have any of the Store Locator Plus featured Add-ons such as Power, Experience, or Premier add-ons , or if you have the MySLP Saas Professional or Enterprise level plan you will see additional sections when Adding (or managing) a Location.

You can opt to fill in all the rows and info that determine the Location and geocoding and hit Add button if you are done entering information. Or you can opt to continue to the next section, whether it be featured, tags, categories, or other functions that are in separate sections on the Location Add Tab.Click the “Add button” at the bottom of the next section instead.

For example, I want to add a location that also is going to have a category assigned to it. I have the latest version of the Power Add-on activated. After adding all the Location information, I do not click on the Add button under the location information but continue on down to the next section called “Power” and add whatever pertinent information I wish to add there. Once I am satisfied and have no additional data to add, I click on the Add Button under the Power section of the Locations Panel to create the location that I have just added.

The category or other additional data you just associated will appear when you review the Locations Page.When to click the add buttonaddlocationa nd acategories

Results Order by display

The Store Locator Plus default is to show the order of the  results below your map by distance, i.e. closest to the searched address  listed first.   With the Experience Add-on or the Premier Add-on the  “order by” options  allows you to display the results in a different order.  With the Experience add-on (if you are using WordPress SLP) or the Professional Plan (if you are using the MySLP Subscription) the results order by options  are  under your Settings/Results/Panel

  • Closest list the closest to the search address or center of the map (this is the default)
  • A..Z- alphabetical sort of locations.alphabetical sort of locations
  • Random- random order of locations, changes on each search
  • Featured, Rank, Closest
  • Featured, Rank, A..Z
  • Featured, Closest
  • Featured, A..Z
  • Rank, A..Z
  • Rank, Closest

    Experience add-on allows you to change the order of the results