Use Dial Link For Phone Setting

Included in MySLP Professional and WPSLP Experience.

Find it under Settings | Results | Results Interaction

When the Use Dial Link for Phone Setting is checked it will make the phone number in your locations results clickable to auto dial by adding a tel: based hyperlink.

The dial-ready hyperlink will be used wherever the [slp_location] shortcode is used.   This includes the results under the map, directory landing pages, and in Store Pages if the [slp_location] shortcode is used instead of the [storepage field=”phone”] shortcode.

Extensions Pause

Use along with the Phone Extension Delimiter setting to handle pauses for extensions.


Formerly labelled: Make a Dial Link Phone number (clickable)


Data fields to display in results

Store Locator Plus includes a default set of data fields that is included with every installation. Various add-on packs add extended data fields.

For ALL extended data fields you can output the data in ANY info bubble, results layout, etc.if you have an add-on pack that allows you to change the layouts (Experience add-on) or if you are using the SLP SaaS Professional level Plan.

Set map view

You can change  the built-in Google map view to any that Google has to offer “hybrid, road map, satellite (aerial), terrain”  The settings are under Store Locator Plus/ Settings/Map ,scroll down to the section under Appearance  and use the drop down under Map Type to change and then save changes.

If you are on MYSLP you will see the StoreLocatorPlus panel in the left admin panel, select settings/map.



Google Map Style

The WPSLP Experience Add On and MySLP Professional support the  Google Map Style rules. These rules let you control the “inner style” of the map itself. Pre-defined map rules allow you to set a variety of styles via the  map settings on the SLP admin panel.

For MySLP go to Store Locator Plus > Settings > Map > Map Style

For WPSLP go to Store Locator Plus > Settings > Map > Map Style

The value of this entry is a Google Maps JSON style string.  Some of our Plugin Styles in the Style Gallery will set this for you.    You can also build your own with services like Map Style With Google.

No Results Found label

The text that displays  when there are no locations to be displayed   can be  changed under Settings/Results in the section under Appearance. Type a message in the box  to whatever you want the site visitor to see when there are no results found.

Example of  the text added under the SLP Settings/results  and how it appears to the site visitor  front end when no locations or results found:







Directory City/State/Country Filters

The directory feature of the Power add on allows you to quickly build a directory-style listing on your pages to show a list of cities, states, or countries where you have locations.

The [slp_directory] shortcode used to build this listing can be combined with a landing_page attribute to quickly refer your site visitors to an interactive map showing your locations in the selected city, state, or country.

Additional Layout Shortcodes with Power Add-on

If you have the Power Add-on in addition to the Experience Add-on you have additional fields that can be displayed with the use of shortcodes and attributes.

Contact Fields

The Power Add-on has Contact Fields that can be associated with your locations for adding internal special  ids  for updates or to add filters. The contact fields will not automatically appear in your results on the front end.