Associating Store Locator Plus locations with WooCommerce products is a new feature provided by the Premier plugin for Store Locator Plus. The Premier plugin is an add-on that is available exclusively to Premier Subscription holders.
In order to activate the WooCommerce product mapping features of the Premier add-on, you will need to WooCommerce installed and activated on your site. When WooCommerce is installed the WooCommerce modules are automatically activated within the Premier add-on. You should activate WooCommerce before importing locations with WooCommerce product relations.
Associate A SKU To A Location
The Premier add-on creates a new location data field named “woo_products” that allows you to add a list of WooCommerce product skus and, if desired, dynamic pricing for the SKU. There are two formatting options for the woo_products data: sku-only or sku-plus-pricing.
SKU Only
In SKU Only format add a list of WooCommerce product SKUs separated by commas. The default pricing set in WooCommerce for the products will be used if/when the product is displayed in the locator results with a buy option.

SKU Plus Pricing
With the SKU Plus Pricing format, each WooCommerce product sku is followed by a single colon and then the dynamic price for that product for that specific location. Do not include currency symbols such as $ in the data.
If a buy button is presented in the location search interface, it will employ the WooCoomerce dynamic pricing system to set the price for the product at the time the purchase is made using the price set for this location.

Importing With Associated Products
You can also import your list of locations along with WooCommerce product relationships using either the default pricing (SKU Only) or dynamic pricing (SKU Plus Price) methods noted above. Add a column header “woo_products” to your CSV file and use the formats prescribed above to set the WooCommerce product relationship.

Checking Your WooCommerce Relationship
If the data is entered correctly, you can see the SKU and the dynamic pricing on the Manage Locations interface of Store Locator Plus. Entries with a price of “default” will defer to the baseline price you set in WooCommerce for the given product SKU. Entries with a SKU followed by a price will set the price dynamically if a buy button is presented on the locations interface.