The Power add-on provides added functionality and features for large location lists, SEO management, and categorization of locations.
It also includes the ability to build simple text list directories of your locations via the [slp_directory] shortcode.
[slp_directory] List Mode
Using style=”list” or style=”list_with_count” will generate a listing of a specific location attribute, such as a listing of cities, for your locations. Use this to build a high-level list of your location cities.
Show A List For Which Field?
Using the by=”<field_slug>” attribute determines which field the list mode will use when building the list.
Any field can be used, however several fields have special additional processing linked into the list. Directory-Aware fields can directly drive either a standard Store Locator Plus locator page (the page where you put the [[slplus]] shortcode) or a Directory Builder Landing Page (the page where you put the [[slp_directory style=”landing_page”]] shortcode).
The following fields are Directory Aware:
- city
- state
- country
- territory
Any locator field can be used if you are using the Power add-on to build a Directory . You must have the proper location field names or the shortcode may generate MySQL warnings in the shortcode output.
The List
Limit the list based on other properties of the location data, such as only list the cities within the USA by adding the filter_by attribute. The filter_by attribute accepts SQL where clauses as the value for the attribute. Make sure you have your Store Locator Plus field names and SQL syntax correct when using this attribute.
Only list cities within the USA.
Assuming you have populated your location data with the country set to USA (or any other country), you can create a directory listing of only the locations within the county (add the correct country code) with he following shortcode using country USA as an aexample:
[slp_directory by=”city” filter_by=”sl_country=’USA'”]
A Page Listing USA and International Locations:
Places In The USA [slp_directory by="city" style="list_with_count" landing_page="/city-directory/" filter_by="sl_country='USA'"] [slp_directory by="city" style="list_with_count" landing_page="/city-directory/" filter_by="sl_country!='USA'"]
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