Set map view

You can change  the built-in Google map view to any that Google has to offer “hybrid, road map, satellite (aerial), terrain”  The settings are under Store Locator Plus/ Settings/Map ,scroll down to the section under Appearance  and use the drop down under Map Type to change and then save changes.

If you are on MYSLP you will see the StoreLocatorPlus panel in the left admin panel, select settings/map.



Countries and Languages

Plugin Text

The Store Locator Plus plugin is now part of the WordPress Translate project.  You can get the current status of the Store Locator Plus translations on the WordPress Translation website.  If you would like to see the plugin fully translated into your language, please send a request to be added to the WordPress translate team for your language.  As soon as a language reaches 100% completion for the stable release of the Store Locator Plus plugin, the custom language files will be removed from Store Locator Plus and be replaced by the more-efficient Translate system.

MAP: Info Bubble

Bubble Layout

The bubble layout setting allows you to change the content and layout of the popup information bubble that appears when someone clicks a map marker or in the results below the map or hover.  There are additional functionality such as “Hide Info Bubble” if you have Enterprise Level or Premier subscription

For the PLUG-In  do t yourself version of Store Locator Plus you will need the Experience add-on and use  shortcodes. These are not generic WordPress shortcodes.  For the SLP SaaS customers you will need to have a Professional or Enterprise level Plan to change layouts.

All of the bubble layout shortcodes follow this syntax: